Bremen wins Best Organic City Award 2024
Bremen wins the category of Best Organic City under the EU Organic Awards 2024
Bremen wins the category of Best Organic City under the EU Organic Awards 2024
Invitation to "Healthy and Secure Food - Ideas for Regional and Sustainable Food Systems" on 23 April 2024 in Brussels.
The international forum “Mission: Establishing a Bioregion in the Gauja National Park” will be held on 25 October from 10.00 to 16.00 in the “Siguldas devons” culture centere in Sigulda
BioStadt Bremen is hosting the international conference “The Future of Organic Food” on 14 and 15 September, 2023.
Parisculteurs, the innovative urban farming project in the city of Paris, has issued a call for proposals to develop sites in and around Paris.
Urban rooftop farming is one of the many initiatives aiming to improve the uptake of organic food in cities. But it is not always received with open arms, as the experience with the Greenelle reservoir project in Paris shows
The northern English town of Preston has “taken back control” of its procurement strategy and handed over 100% of contracts to local businesses. Could this be a model for other cities across Europe? Named the most improved city and top of the Good Growth for Cities index, Preston shows that, despite Brexit, it is able to ...Read More
How the growing interest in vegan alternatives to milk is opening up a new market for organic farmers in Bavaria.
The Organic Market Report explores the organic food market in the UK and finds that consumption of organic food in the UK leapt almost 13% in 2020
On November 23, 2020, at this year’s autumn meeting, the German Bio-Städte network appointed two new spokespersons. Ronny Meyer, the State Councillor for Environment and Transport from Bremen, and the Augsburg-based Reiner Erben, Officer for Sustainability, Environment, Climate and Health, were chosen to represent the 21 German organic cities. The new dual leadership bridges the ...Read More