22 03, 2021

Pesticide free – Loro Ciuffenna leads the way

2024-10-03T10:37:11+02:0022 March 2021|Climate Policy|Comments Off on Pesticide free – Loro Ciuffenna leads the way

The Municipality of Loro Ciuffenna is particularly sensitive to issues of environmental protection and sustainability, as demonstrated not only by its membership of Organic Cities Network Europe, but also in the Pesticide-Free Towns Network, which has led to the adoption of a general ban on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides throughout the municipality. In 2009 ...Read More

14 02, 2021

Activist helps Pope address climate change

2024-10-03T10:37:12+02:0014 February 2021|Climate Policy|Comments Off on Activist helps Pope address climate change

The New Yorker magazine writes about a young American activist who is helping the Catholic church to dedicate its land and other assets to the cause of combating climate change. After giving a presentation at a Catholic conference, Molly Burhans, a 26-year old cartographer and environmentalist, set off to Rome on a mission to convince ...Read More

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