5 02, 2021

City of Paris: organic food aid during Coronavirus

2024-10-03T10:37:12+02:005 February 2021|Equality, Fresh|Comments Off on City of Paris: organic food aid during Coronavirus

City of Paris to help struggling Parisian families pay for healthy meals for children who do not have access to organic food due to the COVID pandemic.

2 02, 2021

Sustainable Food Places launches Food Resilience Grants

2024-10-03T10:37:13+02:002 February 2021|Equality, Fresh|Comments Off on Sustainable Food Places launches Food Resilience Grants

On 19 January, the UK-based organic food partnerships network, Sustainable Food Places, launched an initiative to provide grants to SFP members in deprived areas in England that have been hit hard by Covid-19.

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