Local authorities are already committed to making their food and farming systems more sustainable. To strengthen these local food policies, develop structuring policies on a European scale likely to transform food practices, and accelerate and accentuate the transformation of European food systems, it is necessary to establish a European framework that facilitates sustainable public purchasing and local cooperation.

In response, France Urbaine, Eating City, Agores, Manger Demain, the Lascaux center on transitions, the cities of Brussels and Mouans Sartoux have launched their manifesto in favor of a renewal of European public procurement and a European regulation for sustainable food systems, which:

  • reaffirms access to healthy, sustainable and chosen food as a unifying objective
  • gives its full dimension to the sub-national level
  • secures a renewed public procurement framework to make public purchasing a lever for transformation.


On April 26th (15:00-16:00 CET), France Urbaine will host a webinar to present this manifesto and discuss the main challenges of sustainable public procurement in Europe with representatives from local authorities and national and EU decision makers.

You can find more information about this webinar in the invitation attached and a registration link here

The session will consist of several interventions followed by open Q&A with participants.


  • Audrey Pulvar, Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of sustainable food, agriculture, and local and short supply chains
  • Christian Grancher, Vice-Chairman of the Le Havre Seine Métropole in charge of agriculture and food, co-chair of the Territorial Food Strategies Commission of France urbaine
  • Gilles Pérole, Deputy Mayor of Mouans-Sartoux Childhood, Education, Food, President of the Catering Commission of the Association of Mayors of France
  • Benoit Hellings, First Alderman of the City of Brussels in charge of Climate and Sport
  • Maurizio Mariani, Managing Director of Eating City

Click here to register (external link)

Click here to read a summary of the plea (external link)

Click here to read the full version of the plea (external link)

Click here to sign our plea (external link)
This declaration cannot be signed by individuals, but on behalf of organizations and their networks


Procedures governed by the Procurement Directive, national transpositions an by case law A new European regulation to secure renovated procedures :
– Definition of food: link with soil preservation, water, air quality, etc.- Basic prescriptions / guidelines : fair pay, decent working conditions, animal welfare, environmental issues, nutritional quality, fight against endocrine disruptors, etc.- Free choice of procedure for 50% of the volume of purchase
-Compliance with the reasons of general interest set out in a territorial strategy-Inclusive territorial food governance
The integration of territorialised reasons of general interest (relocation, water and soil preservation) is prohibited because they are not directly linked to the subject matter of the contract Allowed if in accordance with the territorial strategy and the new european regulation
Call for tenders for large volumes Free choice of procedure for 50% of annual purchases in euros excluding taxes