1 year on and the Coronavirus pandemic is still ever present – and with it families struggling to put food on their tables. Right at the start of the crisis, the City of Paris reacted promptly to provide financial support for families in need to help them with their food purchases.
Paid automatically into the bank accounts of the eligible families every two months via the Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF), the government body that helps families by offering services and financial assistance to families with children, the assistance is intended to compensate families for the suspension of school canteens and the closure of food markets.
As many were suffering loss of income, the City of Paris recognised the need to provide compensation for the essential public service offered by school canteens and the closure of food markets. The City of Paris felt it was essential to show solidarity and contribute to combating inequalities in society by helping families access quality food during these troubling times.
The assistance is paid automatically into families’ account, without requiring any action on their part, through a partnership with the Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF) de Paris. The families receive a lump sum based on 3 “tariffs”, ranging between €150 and €50 for the first child and €50 for each further child up to a maximum of 3 children.
The financial assistance, which is funded entirely by the City of Paris benefits arpound 30,000 Parisian families with more than 50,000 children.
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