The Municipality of Loro Ciuffenna is particularly sensitive to issues of environmental protection and sustainability, as demonstrated not only by its membership of Organic Cities Network Europe, but also in the Pesticide-Free Towns Network, which has led to the adoption of a general ban on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides throughout the municipality.
In 2009 the European Union Member States approved Directive 2009/128/EC of 21 October 2009 relating to the sustainable use of pesticides. However, a number of towns, regions and countries had already decided a long time ago to go pesticide free.
The pioneers were the Netherlands, Beligium, Croatia and Portugal, but also Utaly was one of the pioneers. In Italy the ban of glyphosates in public areas was implemented in 2016 and applies gidelines for reducing the use of pesticides sustainably. Some areas of Italy are completely pesticide free, among them being Loro Ciuffenna and parts of Florence.
What does the network do?
The pan-European network advocates the need to go pesticide free in towns and cities. It puts forward innovative ways to prevent the use of pesticides, to find alternatives to herbicides in the management of public green spaces and to raise awareness in the general ouplation at large.
To find out more, visit the network website.
Image attribution: Cuncon. Pixabay