Organic market Report: major boost for UK
The Organic Market Report explores the organic food market in the UK and finds that consumption of organic food in the UK leapt almost 13% in 2020
The Organic Market Report explores the organic food market in the UK and finds that consumption of organic food in the UK leapt almost 13% in 2020
City of Paris to help struggling Parisian families pay for healthy meals for children who do not have access to organic food due to the COVID pandemic.
On 19 January, the UK-based organic food partnerships network, Sustainable Food Places, launched an initiative to provide grants to SFP members in deprived areas in England that have been hit hard by Covid-19.
We have long since recognized the need to save bees from disease and pollution and are keenly aware that this requires education as well as political action. Biodorf Seeham has - literally - gone an innovative route and created the Bee Experience Trail - education and family fun in one. With the support community and ...Read More
On November 23, 2020, at this year’s autumn meeting, the German Bio-Städte network appointed two new spokespersons. Ronny Meyer, the State Councillor for Environment and Transport from Bremen, and the Augsburg-based Reiner Erben, Officer for Sustainability, Environment, Climate and Health, were chosen to represent the 21 German organic cities. The new dual leadership bridges the ...Read More