12 01, 2021

Despite criticism CAP to remain in EU biodiversity strategy

2024-10-03T10:37:14+02:0012 January 2021|Opinion|Comments Off on Despite criticism CAP to remain in EU biodiversity strategy

Environmental organisations criticise the decision of the European Union to retain the Common Agricultural Policy within its biodiversity strategy as too little and mere window-dressing while continuing funding for factory farming continues

11 01, 2021

Where now CAP? – Coldiretti publishes guide

2024-10-03T10:37:14+02:0011 January 2021|Ingredients, Raw v. cooked|Comments Off on Where now CAP? – Coldiretti publishes guide

In its new publication, The National Association of Independent farmers in Italy addresses the direction the CAP is taking in the light of political change in Europe and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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