Digesting Farm to Fork – what is the EU’s new strategy?
What is the Farm to Fork Strategy, what are its goals and what does it mean for farmers, the fishing community and members of the public?
What is the Farm to Fork Strategy, what are its goals and what does it mean for farmers, the fishing community and members of the public?
In an extensive interview, Italian Democratic party MEP, Paolo de Castro, explores the issue of the CAP and Next Generation EU funding for Italian farmers.
Environmental organisations criticise the decision of the European Union to retain the Common Agricultural Policy within its biodiversity strategy as too little and mere window-dressing while continuing funding for factory farming continues
Sustainable farming policy and the European Green Deal. What will the agricultural sector in Italy do to achieve tthe ambitious targets.
In its new publication, The National Association of Independent farmers in Italy addresses the direction the CAP is taking in the light of political change in Europe and the COVID-19 pandemic.