The City of Vienna hosted a hybrid (online/in-person) conference of the Organic Cities Network Europe entitled “Organic Cities – Wien is(s)t nachhaltig” (“Vienna Is Sustainable/ Eats Sustainably”) at which it showcased its story of success regarding organically produced food, shared best practices and demonstrated the strategies developed to supply the urban population in a climate-friendly and sustainable manner.
Some of the many areas tackled by Vienna included how the city succeeded in transforming the catering chains for hospitals, nursing and retirement homes, kindergartens and schools into a system based on high-quality, healthy and sustainable food. It also detailed the action plans and initiatives that the city has implemented.
The areas covered during the conference included
- Organic production in Vienna
- Panel discussions with international guests on the global dimensions of sustainability in organic food production
- Organic consumption in Vienna: best practices implemented in Vienna
- Perspectives of Organic Cities Network Europe
You can find more details and various media (images, videos, slides) on the conference by heading on over to this page: The Vienna Conference.
Photos from the conference